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From the Zoo
To the Pulpit!

A Call to Nature!

Thank you for your interest!

The book can be purchased either as a Printed Paperback Book or as a Digital Download which can be read on numerous Apps on your mobile device!

A good App that I use is called PocketBook Reader, which allows you to bookmark pages, change fonts and their size, as well as be able to change page colours, and will even read the book to you!


How Pricing Works!

The printed book prices are what the printers charge me, I do not charge additional costs for myself.

If however, you would like to make a donation to me directly all contributions would be very gratefully received.

Each printed Paperback book costs me £5.01 per book

The printers then also charge £8.00 postage (UK)

However, the price of the postage remains the same for one or more books as long as they are delivered to the same postal address!

For Example:

1  book. =  £5.01   + postage of £8.00 = £13.01

2  books = £10.02 + postage of £8.00 = £18.02

3  books = £15.03 + postage of £8.00 = £23.03

4  books = £20.04 + postage of £8.00 = £28.04

5  books = £25.05 + postage of £8.00 = £33.05

And so on!

Please email me with any inquiries, for your Digital Download or to arrange your Paperback Book order.

Yours in Jesus


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